How To Remove Flouride From Body

In recent years, fluoride detoxifications have become an increasingly popular option for people, but many still don’t know what it is or what it stands for. Here’s everything you should know about this process.

What Is A Fluoride Detox?

A fluoride detox is a process to cleanse the body of fluoride. It’s detoxing from fluoride, not with fluoride. Unfortunately, the name is a little unclear on that point.

The detoxification itself includes two parts: removing fluoride exposure, then cleansing the body of fluoride that’s already in it.

Why Is Fluoride Bad?

Dentists put fluoride on our teeth, don’t they? And cities even put it in drinking water to improve overall health? There’s a lot of confusion about how, when, and why to use fluoride, especially when working to remove fluoride from body parts can seem counterproductive.

The main issue here is that fluoride has some known adverse effects on the body. Despite some rumors, fluoride is not a standard neurotoxin. While some people claim otherwise, the evidence does not support that in adults. It may, however, be more harmful to children as they develop.

For that matter, fluoride isn’t linked to a significant increase in cancer, either. While it’s difficult to control some of the variables in these experiences, the overall trend of evidence is that fluoride is not carcinogenic in smaller amounts.

So if it’s not causing cancer and it’s not harming the brain, why bother with a detox? Over time, the accumulation of fluoride in the body can lead to pain, damage to bones and joints, thyroid dysfunction, and cardiovascular issues. The body does not always remove fluoride as fast as people ingest it, so most negative effects occur long-term.

How To Remove Fluoride From Body?

When deciding how to remove fluoride from the body, there are several methods, but the first is drinking fluoride-free water. The best way to do this is to filter water yourself.

The Environmental Working Group maintains a database of tests of tap water in different municipalities, and if you check your neighborhood, you can see which contaminants in it exceed ideal levels.

Most regions have at least a few contaminants above ideal levels, so filtering your tap water can help improve your overall health.

The problem is getting the right type of filter. Most standard filters do not remove fluoride from water, even if they purge other active contaminants. You can’t remove fluoride from body parts if you keep ingesting it, so removing it is the first and most important step in a detox.

To solve this, you need to either get a filter that removes those or use a multi-step filtration process.

I recommend getting a filter that works at the point of entry for your house, rather than attaching a filter to a sink. This will help ensure contaminants get removed from all of the water in your house.

Remember, you don’t have to drink fluoride to absorb it. Fluoride can penetrate your skin, so just taking a shower could expose you to even more fluoride than drinking tap water.

After cleaning out your household water, the next step is to remove fluoride buildup in your body.

How Do I Get Rid Of Fluoride In My Body?

Eat well and exercise.

More seriously, there are a few foods and exercise plans that are particularly good when you’re trying to remove fluoride from body parts.

Start by eating foods rich in antioxidants. These include vegetables, bone broth, pomegranate, and many things collectively labeled ‘superfoods’. You should also eat leafy greens as well as whole organic foods.

Next, eat more calcium. Calcium is particularly useful for eliminating fluoride, and a lack of calcium in your diet is one of the main ways fluoride can hurt you. Good foods for getting more calcium include cheesy, yogurt, many seeds, and leafy greens. The fact that these greens also have antioxidants makes them a great choice for your diet.

Don’t forget to take enough Vitamin D while you’re at it. This vitamin has a major impact on how well your body absorbs calcium, which is crucial for getting rid of fluoride buildups in your system.

That leads me to my next major point.

Remember, Health Is Holistic

Deciding how to remove fluoride from the body is an important part of getting healthier, but managing your health requires more than taking some supplements and calling it a day.

Health is holistic because each element of it impacts, and is affected by, everything else you’re doing. For example, while calcium is great at fighting fluoride, it’s not very effective if your body doesn’t have the vitamins to absorb it. If you don’t holistically approach your health, you won’t get the benefits of your efforts.

What Are The Major Benefits Of A Fluoride Detox?

Experts are still debating the precise effects of fluoride detox on the body, but there are a few things we can safely say about this process.

First, fluoride detoxes help protect newborns. Babies are significantly more vulnerable to buildups of certain chemicals, and things that are fine for adults could have long-term impacts on infants. Potential results of having too much fluoride while pregnant include lowered IQ and other cognitive impairments.

Next, fluoride detoxes may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. This is especially relevant for seniors, who could see different levels of cognitive decline based on lifetime exposure to fluoride.

Finally, a fluoride detox can help support the pineal gland. This gland is mainly responsible for producing melatonin, which helps support good sleep. Problems with this gland can lead to anxiety, depression, and even oxidative brain damage.

Do I Need A Detox?

That’s impossible for us to determine. We do not have access to your medical records, and even if we did, it wouldn’t be appropriate for us to interpret them. The only people who are qualified to say if you truly need a detox or not are licensed doctors and similarly-qualified individuals.

However, going through a detox is useful for your body regardless of whether or not you’re at the point where reducing fluoride will help you. Even if your fluoride levels are low, there could be other toxins in your diet that a detox can help remove. When deciding how to remove fluoride from the body, see if you can detox from other chemicals at the same time.

In short, it’s always a good idea to try and improve your health, even if you aren’t sure you need it. It won’t hurt you, and it will likely help you, and that alone makes it worth doing.

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Tim Newman has been involved in water purification for over 20 years and loves everything about the topic of water purification. Along with his wife, Stephanie, they've owned and operated their highly successful water treatment business for several decades. They love bringing crystal clear and pure water to their customers, businesses, farms, homes, and ranches throughout Southern California.


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